Sen descrición

David Witham 9c35635128 Added function for the SPU Dir %!s(int64=4) %!d(string=hai) anos 6b540a176d Updated README instructions for the new server %!s(int64=6) %!d(string=hai) anos
backup_to_server.psm1 9c35635128 Added function for the SPU Dir %!s(int64=4) %!d(string=hai) anos
exclude_from_appdata.list b292279df3 Exclude Teams %!s(int64=4) %!d(string=hai) anos
exclude_from_sync.list 9c35635128 Added function for the SPU Dir %!s(int64=4) %!d(string=hai) anos
handle_exclude_lists.ps1 25f67596ed Initial commit %!s(int64=7) %!d(string=hai) anos

Backup to Server


Pre-configured script that will upload backup data from Bethany's laptop to the server.


  1. Make sure you have RSA keys configured in $HOME/.ssh
  2. Download the project
  3. Execute

Downloading the project

$default_modules_dir = "$HOME\Documents\WindowsPowershell\Modules"

# If that folder doesn't exist, create it
if (!(Test-Path $default_modules_dir)) { mkdir $default_modules_dir -Force }

# Clone the server files
git clone ssh://


import-module backup_to_server
backup_to_server [-skipappdir] [-noupload] [-skipoutlook]